5 Element Theory
Dec 13, 2024
5 Element Theory Podcast
Hello and welcome to my podcasts Ancient Wisdom, ModernHealth: Reaching the Balance within. This podcast is focused on a theory within Classical East Asian Medicine (CEAM), that theory is 5 Element Theory.
- As we go through this podcast there will be references to documents that are available on my website, “sagire.com.au" in the members area. If you would like to be a member please go to sagire.com.au and click the join now button.
- Before we go on it might be beneficial to those who are not a member of the Sagire Health Balance community to give a quick description of a 5 element diagram.
- picture a circle with 5 points equally spaced around it, a bit like a 5 pointed star, and
- on each spot there is another circle,
- so we now have 5 circles equally spaced around the edge of a larger circle,
- and now label each of the smaller circles with a Element name, starting with Fire at the top,
- now move around the circle in a clockwise direction, and label each successive circle as
- Earth, Metal Water, and finally Wood. We should now be back to the top at Fire.
- So what is 5 element Theory? There is a short answer and a long answer. The short simple answer is;
- that it is a theory of how the human body and the environment fit together, and how there must be harmony and a flow within the seasons, environment, and the human body for there to be Balance, because Balance is Health, right?
- So, that was the short explanation, however, if you want to get;
- a deeper understanding of 5 Element Theory, or
- an understanding of the importance of being able to apply what appears on the surface to be a simple theory; or
- of seeing how this simple theory or diagram can be applied to explain the way to Balance your Health, or
- want to see why you have symptoms and what they have to do with the external world around you, or
- how your symptoms are all connected, and
- why some symptoms are worse at different times of the year; or
- perhaps, simply want to gain some insight as to what you can do to help yourself to become your own Health Champion. Then strap yourself in, keep reading, and prepare to travel down the rabbit hole of Chinese Medicine’s 5 Element Theory!
- It is important to understand that 5 Element Theory or 5 Phase Theory is not the only theory of Chinese Medicine (CM) or Classical East Asian Medicine (CEAM).
- It is definitely not ‘The Theory’ that is going to solve all your health issues, or be applicable to each and every health issue.
- It is one of many theories that may provide that deeper understanding that can help you gain the ability to see deeper to the heart of your health issues. It is one of many theories or schools of thought that go to make up the deep, rich and colourful system of medicine that is CM or CEAM.
- It is one of the ‘tools’ which goes into the “tool bag” to be drawn out when necessary, to be used when appropriate to answer, the what, the why, and the how questions for your healths in-balance, and how to bring things back to balance.
- To begin with, 5 Element Theory is an ancient theory that gives us a way of linking everything that is happening within the body to the external world or environment around us, and at the same time, links that same environment to everything that is going on, inside the body.
- To see these as Elements only, is to miss the insight, and great depth of this system.
- Each one is an Element, a phase, a season, a colour, a smell, a flavour, a sound, an emotion, tissues within the body, sense organs, a time of day, a climate condition, as well as an Organ system.
- All of these myriad aspects contained within one part of the whole, and connected to the parts either side in an endless circle of health and harmony.
Table 1.
Element |
Season |
Colour |
Smell |
Flavour |
Sound |
Emotion |
Fire |
Summer |
Red/Ash Grey |
Scorched/Burnt |
Bitter |
Laughing |
Joy |
Earth |
Late Summer |
Yellow |
Fragrant |
Sweet |
Singing |
Worry |
Metal |
Autumn |
White |
Roten |
Pungent |
Weeping |
Grief |
Water |
Winter |
Black/purple/blue |
Putrid |
Salty |
Groaning |
Fear |
Wood |
Spring |
Green |
Rancid |
Sour |
Shouting |
Anger/Frustration |
Element |
Tissue |
Sense Organ |
Time of Day |
Climate |
Organ System |
Fire |
Blood Vessels |
Tongue |
11am - 3 pm |
Heat/Hot |
Heart & Small Intestine |
Earth |
Muscles |
Mouth & Lips |
7 am - 11 am |
Dampness |
Spleen & Stomach |
Metal |
Skin |
Nose |
3 am - 7 am |
Dryness |
Lund & Large Intestine |
Water |
Bones |
Ears |
3 pm - 7 pm |
Cold |
Kidney & Urinary Bladder |
Wood |
Sinews |
Eyes |
11 pm - 3 am |
Wind |
Liver & Gall Bladder |
- So, lets start to build the picture of what 5 Element Theory really is about.
- How it is of interest, and its possible use to us in our understanding of our own health.
- Let us see how we can use it, and apply its relevance toward creating the Balance we want in our Health, and to be able to continue to apply its Ancient Wisdom within Modern Health to maintain that balance once reached. So that we can become our own Health Champion.
- With that in mind, lets start with the concept that each Element is a season within the yearly cycle.
- The traditional start to the seasonal year is Spring.
- Spring is the time of a new beginnings, of regeneration, of growth.
- This is represented by Wood, wood here is not just a grown tree, but also a shoot.
- The germination of that new growth is early spring; and as we move through spring to summer we would see the maturing of that sprout into a tree, and so as with the growth of a tree from a seed to that tree we can also move through spring and see the change that s taking place within that period of time. It is indeed a segment of time, and as such must change. Time does not stand still, it must and does change. So we should view each segment as a period of time, within a greater period of time.
Spring is a time of change, more so than that of Summer or Winter, which can be seen as times of stability, but we will talk more about these two later. The amount of change that happens in Spring is quite big, and it is also relatively quite fast.
In the beginning Spring is Heralded by the first green shoots, or the buds on the trees, and very quickly those fresh new stirrings within the earth unfold into new flowers, stalks, leaves and in short order, the fruits of the plants. The increase in life is seen everywhere you look. The insect life is busy with pollinating, and fertilising for the next generation. The birds are busy raising their young, the animals are also giving birth to their young, it is a time that is so full of energy, we also may feel this increase, this growth of energy in the way that it is easier perhaps to rise earlier with the rising sun and take exercise in the mornings. it has been said by many over the years that, ‘it is great time to be alive.’
It is also this change in energy that will show in the weather, it is moving from the cold, predictability of winter, to a time of change. We can see that the weather is changeable; sudden storms, cold winds in the early spring, sudden returns to cold mornings with frosts, followed by warm periods, it is this very changeability that can cause such problems to our health. When things are stable, then the body is more able to cope, stability requires less energy to maintain than a changing environment. A lot of change, requires a lot of change in our energy, and that means more energy has to be expended to cope with that change. It is harder to maintain the Balance that good health requires in an environment that is unstable.
In the area of the world where I live; the northern coast of Tasmania, Australia, Spring is a time renowned for strong westerly winds, and sudden storms from the southern ocean, interspersed with days of brilliant sunshine, no wind and hints of the summer to come. This is the quintessential essence of Spring. It is also a time of strong change within the body. These environmental changes can be reflected within. This might show as strong emotions. It might be said that those sudden storms are nature getting angry and lashing out, throwing off the shackles that have held it close for so long, and now she is showing just what she can do if not respected, or perhaps it is a tantrum of a young year, one that is yet to reach maturity. So, too, our emotions can change quickly, moving from tranquility to frustration, and back again.
As Spring matures, so to the weather settles into a more stable, predicability. The days get longer, warmer, and nature is providing more. The plants have lost their buds and flowers are being replaced with ripening fruits, and vegetables, the young animals are putting on weight and maturing almost in front of your eyes if you stop to watch.
So we move from the frenetic change, growth of Spring to the more stable days of plenty, warmth and abundance that is Summer. Summer is represented by Fire, or warmth. Summer is the time of the year were time seems to slow, the days are long and there is that feel that everyday is Sunday! The air is heavy with the sounds of insects and birds, and its ok, to have a ‘nanna nap’ in the afternoon. As we hinted at earlier, Summer is a stable period, one that is characterised by that warm comfortable stability. The sun is providing a warmth that is able to reach deep into the earth so it can radiate it back through the cooler nights and maintain the warmth. Balance is easier here, it takes less energy to maintain the equilibrium, the balance. There is a feel of abundance, that almost anything is possible, there is ‘Joy in the air.’ One just wants to be happy and have parties, to dance and enjoy life. What could be more summer than that?
As summer progresses, we can reach a time that is not often referred to any more, that of late summer. Late summer is represented by Earth. Here things have reached there peak. This is the traditional time of harvest, the foods are now ripe for harvest, and the Earth gives up its bounty for the coming times of lean. There is more than enough to go around and it is a time to celebrate the harvest, to have banquets and gather family and friends to share it with. It is also a time to put the excess harvests aside, to fill the store houses and preserve what is not needed now for the future.
The days are starting to shorten, the energy is starting to returning to the earth for hoarding until next spring. In the animal kingdom, the young are now mature, and leaving to make there own way, To set themselves up so as to be ready for the next year. To summarise, it is a time to reap the harvest and prepare for the leaner times ahead.
As the warmth starts to leave the air, and the nights start to have a chill in them, the earth herself is starting to not give up her warmth so readily, we can see that the world around us is starting to return it energy to the earth. The days are shorter, and a chill is starting to creep into the nights, and that coldness is lingering later into the mornings.
The insect activity is declining, the leaves are turning and starting to fall as the plants withdraw their nutrients back to their roots, so as to store what is needed to survive until the next spring. Again Autumn; represented by Metal, can be seen as a time of change. So the weather is less predictable, the last of the summer rains can come with cold winds, strong sudden storms are more prevalent again. There is a feel of change in the air. You can see it every where, in the change of colours in the leaves, the plants that are starting to wither and return their energy to their root systems for storage, the animals seem to have a desire to be inside more, a need to sleep more, there is a sense that things need to be done, a sense of urgency. There is no longer that feel that tomorrow will do, and as the season moves closer to winter, more a sense of conservation, of hibernation, and perhaps a sense of sadness at the loss of summer.
The days and nights will get progressively colder, the nights lengthen and the earth seems to be retreating in on itself. The weather, whilst cold is generally settled. The bad weather when it comes is predictable in that it is just getting colder and wetter. The earth is cold and still, even the Water can be so still it freezes. The sun is low on the horizon and getting lower, it feels far away, it is providing little warmth and less comfort. Then, as we move to that turning point at the depth of winter, we might feel that the warmth, and the sun will never return, a sense of fear even. However, once the shortest day has passed, then there is quite often as palpable sense of the return of optimism, we can see that the sun has not left us, but is gaining strength and melting the cold, and each day brings us closer to the reawakening that is Spring. The cold that has held the earth still, is starting to relinquish its hold over things. Animals are starting to venture out, the sun is having more of an influence on the days, and as each day passes, the sun gains more and more sway over life; and so, slowly, but surely life returns and so we see that the wheel has turned.
Now, lets take this concept and start to apply it to our bodies and our health. A major influence on our planets seasonal cycles, or if I may use the analogy, our planets health cycle, is the Sun and Moon. The suns influence is relatively obvious and is seen as the planet tilts and wobbles it way through space. It is the suns angle to our position on the planet that dictates what season we are in, however, the Moons influence is perhaps not as obvious. The moon exerts its influence over the planets huge climate engines, that of the Oceans and Seas. As we are also a large part water, then it is a small step to see that the moon can and does have an impact on how our health might be at any given time.
So, now as each of the Elements are connected to a season, and each of our organ systems are connected to an Element, it is easy to see, that we are embedded in our environment; not separate to it. We are merged with the natural cycles and must be effected by them as much as we affect them.
So if the external environment can be be accepted as having some affect on our internal functioning then a theory with which to understand that might be helpful, don’t you think? So, 5 element Theory can be used as such a tool.
In essence 5 Element places each of the organs into one of the Elements, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Each of the elements is linked in a cycle that is supportive of the next in the sequence, this is called the generating or nurturing cycle, or Shen cycle. Within this cycle each element or organ is responsible for providing the required support for the next in sequence; as a ‘mother’ support a child. So, as an example, Fire is the mother to Earth, or the Heart is the mother to the Spleen; and so the Earth is the mother to Metal; or Spleen supports the Lung. So each Element is the Mother to the next in sequence. This pattern is continued until we return back to the start.
Another way of looking at this, is to reverse the rolls, and say that each Element is the Child to the previous one in the sequence. So the Earth is the Child to Fire, and as such receives support from Fire. In essence then each Element is both Mother to the next Element in sequence; and Child to the previous Element in the sequence.
How is this useful to us in a health framework? If we look at this from this initial description, we can see that if the Heart (Fire) is not strong enough, it will not be able to support its child, the Spleen (Earth); and this lack of support, or nourishment to the Spleen or Earth Element, can cause the Earth to be unable to carry out its function properly or fully.
So in this simple example, due to a Fire Element that is not functioning at its best, we can see that it may led to a weaken Earth or digestion. This might show as; some bloating, excessive gas, or reflux, perhaps a loss of appetite. This may led us to think that there is a digestive problem of the Stomach or Spleen. Thinking it is the Earth Element that is at fault, so, you may decide to treat the Earth as the system that is out of balance; only to find that the symptoms don’t really improve, or that they are only improved for a short while and then return. When, in reality the real problem is the Fire Element and not where you think it is. So how might this manifest, how could a Fire Element problem cause Earth Element issues?
So, the Fire Element is also the Heart organ system, and as such is also the place that the emotions of Joy through to Sadness are said to reside. So let us suppose that if someone was to be suffering from prolonged sadness; as an example, then that sadness may inhibit the Hearts ability to nourish the Spleen and Stomach. Sadness is often characterised as a dark cold emotion, or it is said that they are lacking the warmth of happiness. So the Fire Element could perhaps be said to be inhibited or deficient, and therefore unable to provide support to the next Element in the sequence. This lack of support could show as poor digestion. We might also find that if we were to feel the skin in the area directly over the stomach, the skin might be cool to the touch, or lack warmth. Is this a physical sign then of lack of support from the mother perhaps.
OK, so lets stay with the Fire and Earth Elements for a little while longer. If we can use this same example of symptoms. That is, some digestive issue and someone that is suffering from sadness. Now lets just reverse the way things can be seen. So now we have someone who is suffering some weakened digestive signs; this weakened Earth Element is going to try and draw on it mother; the Fire Element, for support. This increase in need then will place a greater load on the mother and over time could deplete the Mother and could cause it to manifest this deficiency as the emotion of sadness.
So, as with a lot of the theories within CEAM, or Chinese Medicine, we have something that looks simple on the surface, but goes quite deep. So far we have stayed within the supporting, nurturing cycle or what is called the Shen cycle. This cycle is quite simple, in that it is simply moving from one organ and looking at the next in the sequence or the one previous to it around the edge of the circle. However, it can get a little more complex. If we take a look at the KO or controlling cycle. Then we start to see that Elements can cross over the circular pattern into a start shape. This is somewhat harder to visualise without a 5 Element diagram in front of of you.
In this sequence, an Element is able to control or exert influence over another due to the weakness within an element. Lets go back to the Earth Element that was weak. So now the Wood Element can exert its influence over the Earth by virtue of the fact that the Earth is weak.
What would this look like, or, how would this manifest? Well, when the Wood Element starts to control the Earth, then we might start to see, such things as, reflux, or in more extreme situations, vomiting. For, when the Earth is being controlled by the Wood Element, the natural desire of the Earths energy direction will be impaired. That is, the Earth wants to descend, its energy must go down into the digestive process. This could also be said as, the Stomach (Earth) must connect to the Large Intestine (Metal), and if it can’t then the Earth energy must go somewhere, so it goes up. If this scenario was to go further, then we could possibly see constipation as a further consequence.
Now, as with the Shen cycle the pattern is continuous. So the Wood can control the Earth, which can control Water, which controls, Fire and Fire control Metal, and finally Metal controls Wood. So we are back to the beginning. Each of these scenarios has its own signs and symptoms, and contributes to the ability to sift through what is presenting and coming to a picture of what, why and how, so as to reach a treatment that is appropriate to bring the body back to it point of Balance.
In this paper, I have tried to keep the explanation of 5 Element Theory straight forward, so as to give an understanding of it usefulness as a way of seeing the interactions of the body with the natural environment and also the way that each of the Organs can be seen to be part of a complex, and yet simple structure that leaves nothing in isolation, and makes connections that can explain why symptoms are, and how they may manifest. It is my belief that knowledge gives power, power over the why, can lead to knowing how to repair what has happened and more importantly how to stop it happening again. Knowledge is the tool through which we can obtain and maintain Balance!
- Once again, thanks for coming and listening to the end of my podcast on 5 Element Theory as part of my Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health: Reaching the Balance within series of Podcasts. If you have anything that you wish to have more information on, or a topic expanded on, please let me know by contacting me through one of the links in the podcast description or through my members are at Sagire.com.au.
- See you next time for Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health, Reaching the balance Within.
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